A Game of Deadlines: A Look Back On Audio

This is not a good week. Like the Starks, I’m navigating a treacherous landscape. Exams. Two other big projects. A show at the end of the week. And I made a big, big mistake: I trusted my equipment not fail. So naturally, it did. Between the rush and the deadlines, I got this done:

I’m pretty happy with this piece, aside from the first dialog that I lost re-record audio for. The most helpful thing in making this piece was definitely workshopping. I worked out which specific stories I’d put in the final during the workshop based on the advice of the people I’d worked with. The second most helpful was freesound.org, a repository of creative commons and public domain stock sounds. Sadly, you do have to go outside of it to get every sound you need. The original buzzer sound I used was from freesound, but I felt I had to get a better one.

My biggest technical lesson from the radio unit of this class? A harsh reminder that “don’t remove USB keys without first checking that they’re safely unmounted” still holds true when you’re in a rush to get somewhere, and to double check all file transfers to make sure things actually copied. I lost a lot of work. This is almost 100% things I did for a second piece that’s a little bit of basic info on how not to creep (one of our pieces was supposed to be on relationships). The second one that the space you record in will always affect the sound you get no matter the mic. Even after this, I still don’t think I entirely get radio. Like I’ve mentioned before, radio is new and uncomfortable for me. I’m probably going to continue getting most of my news in text form. Except when emotion is part of the content. The least technical thing I’ve learned? Emotional content is best conveyed in as audio, often more effectively than video simply because people are more candid.

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